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Theme 1: Moving to the Virtual World

Session 3: Challenges of the Virtual World

Date: July 15, 2020
Time: 11 am – 12:30pm BST (British Standard Time)
Format: Panel Discussion
Time: 1 hour Q&A: 30 Mins


Based on our learnings from the last session on “Opportunities of the Virtual World”, below are the key areas identified for ICCIA member countries:

  1. Talent: Up skilling / Reskilling the Youth to provide the skills needed for this move & future proofing of economies
  2. Mindset:
    1. Urgent change is needed at the Government level to expedite the development of the digital infrastructure and provide an enabling environment for the businesses and investors
    2. Business leadership and Investors
  3. Branding: During the pandemic, the uptake of known brands has been higher than others because people bought what they trust. Unfortunately, in many of the ICCIA countries, branding has not a priority due to lack of knowledge and economic pressure

Speaker’s Names and Titles

  • Tania Aidrus, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister – Digital Pakistan
  • Amir Fancy, Chairman & CEO Fancy Group
  • Ozan Acar, Executive Committee Member, Chief of Corporate Affairs,
  • Karie Ford, Director – Brand Marketing & Global Corporate Communications, The Lycra Company
  • Sherif Hosny, CEO Schaduf

Moderator: Ms. Aalia Jafar, Director of International Relations, ICCIA  

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