Digital Transformation For SMEs
OBIC Capacity Building Program
March 20- 22, 2023
IsDb Headquarters, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

In the light of the crucial significance of digitalization in promoting SMEs and advancing economic development, ICCIA participated in the “Role of Credit Information Sharing & Business Intelligence in Supporting Trade & Investment Decisions – A Capacity-Building Programme for Users of the OBIC”, through a workshop entitled “Digital Transformation for SMEs”, conducted by Mr. Talha Ahmed Shaikh, Digital Specialist at ICCIA, aiming to shed light on the necessity to foster digital transformation in empowering start-ups and SMEs and enabling them to conduct their business properly.
The program was organized by the Islamic Corporation for the Insurance of Investment and Export Credit (ICIEC) in collaboration with Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), Islamic Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (ICCIA), Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) and Islamic Centre for the Development of Trade (ICDT), on March 20–22, 2023, as the 1st Capacity Building Program for the Users of the OIC Business Intelligence Center (OBIC).