Appointment of the Third President of the Islamic Chamber By Acclamation
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
Muharram 20, 1442 AH
The joint meeting of the Board of Directors and the thirty-sixth session of the General Assembly of the Islamic Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture was held on September 5, 2020, as E-Conference through the Internet.

The meeting was chaired by Engineer Ibrahim Al-Arabi, the interim president of the Islamic Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, who began by commemorating the great remembrance of the Late President Sheikh Saleh Bin Abdullah Kamell; the former president of the Islamic Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture since 2005 until his death. During his presidency of the Islamic Chamber, he devoted himself and his life to the service of the Islamic economy, he also had restructured the organization and amended its Standing orders and thereafter dynamically steered it to great heights of recognition and service for the Islamic Ummah.

The obituary’s program began with a speech of H.E. Mr. Anjum Nisar, President of the Federation of Pakistani Chambers of Commerce and Industry, followed by a speech by H.E. Mustafa Rifat Hisarciklioglu, President of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB). Following by a speech by H.E. Ajlan bin Abdulaziz Al Ajlan, President of the Council of Saudi Chambers of Commerce & Industry, then H.E. Fachry Thaib speech, Vice Chairman (Permanent Committee for Middle East & OIC Countries), ending with a final speech of H.E. Eng. Ibrahim El-Araby, Acting President of the Islamic Chamber and President of Federation of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce.
The meeting also witnessed the appointment of the third president of the Islamic Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture by acclamation, Sheikh Abdullah Saleh Kamel, a well-known Saudi businessman to succeed the late Sheikh Saleh Kamel, may God have mercy on him.
The General Secretariat of the Islamic Chamber wishes the Islamic Ummah prosperity and success in its acts and progress of the Islamic economic services. For more information about the Islamic chamber and its upcoming projects, contact our Media and Communications Department on
About ICCIA:
The Islamic Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture is an international organization affiliated to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). It represents the private sector of 57 Member Islamic. It aims at strengthening closer collaboration in the field of trade, commerce, information technology, promotion of investment opportunities and joint ventures in the Member countries. Its membership is comprised of the National Chambers / Unions / Federations of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the OIC member countries.
The Islamic Chamber of Commerce, Industry & Agriculture (ICCIA) was established upon the resolution of the 7th Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers held in May 1976 in Istanbul-Turkey, which was approved by the First Conference of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry held in October 1977 in Istanbul. Its constitution was adopted by the Second Conference of Chambers of Commerce and Industry held in December 1978 in Karachi -Its Headquarters is located in Karachi, the economic capital of the Republic of Pakistan